Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Careful what you ask for

Well since I have this blog I might as well use it for something good. Which of course would be bitching about something that really annoyed me. Isn't that what blogs are for? Complain about things that you have no control over while you sit at your computer steeming over it? Yeah, that's what I was told they are for! Ok but really, I did have a bit of a problem the other day and I feel like venting about it. So here goes.

I have a peice of lawn equipment that has been around for like 20 years. My grandmother bought it for my father and we both use it. It's the tiller for the garden. Well, we have basically abused the shit out of it over the years. It's a bit rusted, the wheels are all bent, the pull chord broke a few times and I tied it together to keep it working. We leave it out in the rain, snow, sleet. Ok so you get the picture. I recently lost my digital camera or I would go outside and take a picture of this baby. This tiller tho has never failed us, it starts every time and runs like a champ. I'm always a firm believer that if something is working great don't go and screw it up.

Four days ago I go out to use this most durable machine (they don't build em' like they use to) and the pull chord finally snaps off completely (grrrrr). Normaly this is not something out of my realm to fix and any other time I would bust out the ol' tool kit and get going. I didn't. I had so many other things to do that I figured I would best be served if I just tossed it on the truck and ran it down to the local hardware store to have them fix it. I don't mind sending local places some business now and again, it's good to keep up relations with these local businesses and it's part of the charm I like about living here in New England.

Now, here I am pulling this (which looks to the hardware guys like a peice of junk and I swear I heard them laugh a little) thing off my truck and I tell the guy can you fix this pull chord and just change the oil and spark plug since it's here. He says to me, "So you want a tune-up." I looked at him and I repeted what I had just said, "I just want the chord fixed and the oil and spark plug changed." He looks back at me and says, "well that's a tune up." I said, "that's fine."

Ok maybe you see where this is going. Maybe this is my fault for not making sure what I was getting, but here is how it ends. I get the call to come pick my machine up. I show up and he tells me it's a $60 bill. I said well that's alot for those few things. He produces a list of what they did; Cleaned Carb, New Filter, New pre-Filter, Changed Oil, New Pull Chord, New Spark Plug. Ok, so I'm no dummy and there are a few things on the list I didn't ask for. Of course I confront the guy about it and he tells me, "You said Tuned Up." and of course I say, "No, you said tune-up, I said oil and spark plug." We go back and forth with who said what and what this and that entails until I finally did what any man in my position would do....I bent over and let this guy screw me. Now I don't often give in to situations like this, but I could see it was going no where and I wasn't gonna get my tiller unless I paid him. I was kinda in a jam there. Sometimes you have to pick your battles and for this one I just had to let it go. Needless to say I will never do business there again.

I know small business like this are having a hard time in this economy. One thing they need to remember is, if you keep screwing over your customers like that you will be without any to screw in the end.

and that my friends is Life in New England
Geoffrey D.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My 10 Ten Hot Women Singers that Rock!

Number 10

Simone Simmons – Dutch born and Lead singer for the band Epica this fiery redhead has one of the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. From classical highs to a single note that ring beauty in your ear, this woman has it all. The new CD “Design Your Universe” shows you exactly why.

Number 9

Annette Olzen – After taking over the lead position in Nightwish, Annette has established herself as a woman with one hell of a powerful voice. Swedish born and singing since she was 8 years of age, on songs like “Amaranth” from Dark Passion Play, you can tell right away she is the real deal. Beautiful eyes and voice, what else can you ask for in a woman who can rock.

Number 8

Sharon del Adel – While most people know her from their popular release of “what have you done now” from the CD “the heart of everything” this 35 year old singer of Within Temptation has been at it since she was 13. To really appreciate her range, check out songs like “Ice Queen” and “Frozen.” Also, in their recent Live DVD she looks absolutely stunning as she enters the stage.

Number 7

Christina Scabbia – This 37 year old Italy born singer of Lucuna Coil is a true vision on stage. With a voice that can go from sultry to powerful in a moment, you can’t deny she is a forced to be reckoned with in the metal world. Check her out on songs like “Heaven’s a Lie” and “Spellbound” you won’t be disappointed.

Number 6

Tarja Turunen – This former front woman of Nightwish truly has the voice of an angle. On the CD “Once” with her former band, songs like Nemo and Wish I had an Angle show what great range she has. Currently working on he own her new CD continues to prove that she belongs among the ranks of the women with great voices.

Number 5

Francine Boucher - All I can say is WOW! A beautiful woman with a powerful voice. This singer and songwriter from the South Carolina “Echoes of Eternity” formed in 2006. Their latest offering “As Shadows Burn” is a fast pace blast of music and melodic singing. You can tell Francine is no newbie on songs like “Twilight Fires” and “Ten of Swords.” Check out their vids and music, it’s great stuff and watching her is not hard on the eyes at all.

Number 4

Maria Brink – Lead for the band “In This Moment” her mix of melodic metalcore and brutal vocals makes her a top pick on my list. Although they have only been around since 2005. She has established herself in the industry as one of the top female performers. Their first CD “Beautiful Tragedy” got them recognized and their latest CD “The Dream” continues to show why she is just awesome. I also happen to love the cover they did of Blondie’s “Call Me.”

Number 3

Liv Kristine – Another true beauty in the music industry, we are all fortunate to have her here. Lead for the band “Leaves Eyes,” Liv has been around for a while and is involved in many other endeavors (too many to list here). At age 33 she has done a bit of everything, but with her voice it’s no wonder. From solo to guest appearances her voice continues to impress every ear it fall on. Along with her stunning beauty it’s no wonder she is at the top of my list. Check out the new CD “Njord” and watch their vid for the single “My Destiny,” you won’t be disappointed.

Number 2

Alissa White-Gluz – Voted Revolver’s hottest woman in July of 2007. Alissa is a major force in the metalcore scene. This front woman from the Canadian band “The Agonist” leaves nothing on the table when she steps in front of the microphone. She can carry a note or knock you on your ass. The new CD “Lullabies for a Dormant Mind” will just blow you away. Also chack out the vid “Thank You, Pain” because this breath taking beauty delivers every time.

Number 1

Lita Ford – Yep, this is my top woman. For me, she is the one who started it all. There she was a great looking woman playing guitar as I watched the video “Kiss Me Deadly” on MTV. Screaming vocals attached to one hell of a sexy woman. As a young man I thought she was awesome. Now at age 51 she is still out kicking ass on the road in support of the new CD “Crave.” But it’s songs and video like “Close my Eyes Forever” with Ozzy that will stick in my memory and Oh! those Album covers. I’ve always felt she helped pave the way for other woman in the rock/metal scene and it’s why she gets my top honor.

Ok, that’s it. I know some people will have different opinions about who should be on the list or who shouldn’t, but this is MY list and these are the artist that I like not you. Sure there are other women you could place in the list. Maybe some of you readers like Amy Lee or Doro Pesch and those are great choices. My list is not saying one is better than the other; they are all great to me. This list to me is just the tip of the iceberg of the enormous talent out in the industry these days and I love every bit of it. So if your favorite woman did not make my list I’m sorry it’s not that she is not good but I just happen to enjoy these 10 more. Hope you enjoy my choices and I also hope you check out all of their music.

Geoffrey D.