Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Brrr it's cold out!

So here I am today, in New England with a snow storm. Turns out the weather men/women got it a bit wrong tho on how bad it was going to be. There was talk of like 12 to 18 inches and as of now we have about 4. Which is still enough to go out and clean up but no where's near the amount they had predicted. It began to occur to me that being a weather man/woman is one profession where you get to be on television and be completely wrong and not get fired over it. Sweet deal.

But, unlike most people, part of my job is to plow peoples driveways and clean sidewalks. So while out driving around in this bad weather I notice a few things. The first being the amount of people who, to the best of my knowledge, have no business being out when people are trying to actually work and clear the way for the following day. I mean rushing to the store for that loaf of bread or gallon of milk seems to me a bit crazy. To potentially risk your life and the life of another person for something you really don't need is just totally nuts. It's not like the storm is going to keep you in the house for weeks upon weeks. Generally it's just 1 day. You're telling me you can't wait one day for a few things at the store? On top of that, it's not like these people didn't have fair warning that a potentially large storm was coming. The news people have been "Drama-ing it up since Saturday" (that's for another blog...drama-ing, I know it's not a real word). The second thing I notice is the rate that people drive in bad weather. Alot of people and I mean ALOT, drive so fast I almost wish they would wreck that nice SUV they are cursing around in. But I am not wishing bodily harm on them or anyone else. But still, just because you have a huge SUV with 4 wheel drive does not give you the right to drive like a jack ass. Your car cannot stop and better than a regular car and it won't do anything special if you hit a patch of ice. In fact you have worse stopping power than a regular car because of the extra weight it takes to slow your vehicle down. So I wish people would get that into their heads and slow the frick down. We all know that some people just need to learn the hard way and hopefully it's not at my expense or that of another person.

That's it for now. I'm back out into the bad weather to fight the crazies and finish up for the day/night. I got my nice warm jacket, some great music and a nice hot cup of tea in me...let's go!

and that's Life in New England

Geoffrey D

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